Hi and welcome to my first post! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:

I’m happy to share to everyone what I have and will be up to. I’m a bit late in making my own blog but better late than never!

I made this blog because:

  • I want to improve my presence online and in the industry.
  • I’ll be able to reach and collaborate with more people this way.
  • This shall serve as my portfolio!
  • I have a bad habit of not documenting my work properly. Having a blog to manage sort of forces me to document my code and work more! I try my best to make my code as readable as much as it is but sometimes if I just want it quick and dirty, I won’t bother going back for it. Will work on it!
  • I wanted to try out web development again (even just for a little bit).
  • Having a personal website is cool :sunglasses:!

I’ll be honest, I slightly made a website on GitHub because I jumped in the bandwagon. I did learn that making one on Jekyll and github.io makes everything a lot easier! Having a blog on GitHub makes me focus working on my projects instead of handling the website. If you feel like making your own blog, I suggest making one on Jekyll the same way I did! It’s intuitive and there are a lot of available plug-and-play templates available.

I hope I’ll be able to fill the blog out the more I gain more experience in my field. I’ll try and be visible in my other accounts as well.

Cheers to a new beginning!